The brand kit feature allows you to use your company logo, colours, and fonts in your videos. It ensures consistency across all your videos, making it easy for your audience to recognise and remember your brand.
📍 Important: The Brand kit feature is available with our Enterprise plan. If you are interested in getting Colossyan for your organization, you can contact us and request a demo here.
How do I set up my brand kit?
Select Brand kits on the left sidebar.
Click the New Brand Kit button
Add text styles, brand colors, your logo and fonts.
You can upload a custom font by scrolling to the bottom of the page and clicking the + sign to upload it.
⚠️ Your font must be saved as a TTF, or Ture Type Font, file before uploading to Colossyan.
How do I use my brand kit?
To use your text styles, click Text and select your Brand kit on the left.
To use your logo, click Media ➡️ Upload.
To update one of our existing templates with your Brand kit, click on Insert new Scene or the ➕ sign, select the template and apply your Brand kit on the left. Click on the scene to insert it.